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Metal Detectors

Metal Detecting For Beginners

Word to people who do not understand metal detecting: You won’t fully understand it until you educate yourself on the possibilities and prospects. 

To those who have only just come to the light and are ready to join the club, we say Welcome. 


When people think about metal detecting, they probably picture a bunch of weird guys and girls with headphones and a long metal stick walking around abandoned lands and beaches and circling around till they get tired. This is a fairly accurate picture, but it doesn’t quite uncover the motivation behind the whole thing. It ignores the prospects and reduces the hobby to a glorified version of jaywalking. Metal detection attracts many people to the fold because:


 – It is an exciting venture that could also potentially serve as an experience in education and patience. Few things compare to the excavation of long-lost historical material.

 – It is enriching. Some of the hobbyists in the field have sold things they found for a lot of money. 

 – Since it is a hobby that requires patience, it is good for the mind. It also gives you alone time when you only have a laser focus on the task at hand. 

 – It gives hobbyists a way to work out through exercise. Walking around trying to detect something is a good way to do cardio.


As far as metal detecting goes, there are no drawbacks. No time is wasted, you don’t have to do much, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money (even at the beginning when you have to buy your metal detectors and other gear). As you start this journey, we hope you find the fulfilment you are looking for. 


Tools For Metal Detecting

And now to the main issue at hand, the metal detecting itself. Before you go metal detecting, you need to be armed with your tools. These tools would serve as your companions, your party, that would help you to find the treasures you seek. Before you start, you would need the following;

  • A metal detector

Your main companion. That which you cannot do without. Your metal detector would serve as the means through which you see beyond the soil, your eyes in the earth, and your x-ray in the sand. If you are only dabbling before you decide to fully commit and you aren’t ready to explore metal detectors for sale, you could opt for a metal detector hire. 


The best metal detectors on the market have various features that would greatly enhance your chances of finding something. Of course, this is 2022; technology has made things a lot easier. You also do not have to worry about harmful electromagnetic waves or anything of that sort.

  • Headphones

This is another one of your trusty companions you should never think of doing without. Headphones might seem like simple accessories at first but they serve as a means through which one can isolate metallic noises from background noise, and a way for you to have laser focus while still doing your thing. Your headphones also keep you from being a public nuisance. The metal detector could get pretty loud sometimes, and people around you (say, you are on the beach) wouldn’t want to hear the consistent beep. This accessory protects both them and you and also keeps you respectful of other people’s time and space. Your headphones would also help you to conserve the battery of your metal detector.


For underwater metal detectors, your headphones also come in handy. Sound travels in a distorted fashion in fluid media as dense as water, and your headphones would help to keep the sounds focused on your ears. Similar to this, the headphones keep you aware of things in loud places, heavy rain, and in cases when the wearer has slight hearing conditions.

  • Pinpointing probes

Think of yourself as an explorer wandering the cosmos of an extremely vast subterranean universe. Your spaceship is your metal detector, fitted with magnetic and electric emitters and receivers that help you to send waves and receive bounce-backs from new planets (the buried metals in this case). 


While you may eventually hit a jackpot, you aren’t likely to know exactly where the metal is. The pinpointer shows you the spot where the metal is by increasing pitch and vibration as your metal detector gets closer to your treasure. This helps you to save the precious time and effort it would take to dig holes and fill them back.


  • Your trowel and shovel

Speaking of digging, a trowel is a must-have for every serious metal detector. If you leave without one, you might have to use your nails, and it is unlikely you would get any work done as efficiently as you would have if you use a trowel. 


When picking a trowel, you have to consider one that is strong, and has a good enough shape that would aid your digging should spaces get narrow. It would also help you to refill the holes you dig. A bigger shovel would help you go deeper should you need to.

  • A pouch

This one is for carrying things you might find. It is unlikely that you would be able to carry whatever you find in your bare hands, and in any case, it isn’t advisable because some of the finds might need to be protected from corrosion. A pouch would help you protect your new finds appropriately. 

  • Sand scoop

This is your companion in sandy areas like beaches. While digging, you might miss precious finds if you keep hauling big scoops of sand without sifting. The sand scoop is designed with holes so you can sift away while looking and digging. Aluminium scoops are best for excavation in silky soft sand. 


  • Spare batteries

Metal detectors run on batteries that can die at any time during the exercise. This can be frustrating, but only if you do not have spare batteries on hand. They would save you from having to leave your detecting to buy new ones. 


Here at Lucky Strike Gold prospects, we only seek to make sure that all prospective gold detectors have heightened chances of finding interesting things. We have the best metal detectors for gold and almost every other metal possible. We also provide gold detectors hire purchase plans for temporary usage. Contact us today to get your metal detectors.