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Best Places To Go When Metal Detecting

As a metal detecting enthusiast, you have probably sat down with your computer to look for metal detecting success stories. You may have read about the Hand of faith, the Ringlemere Gold Cup, and the Loch Lomond diamond ring. You may even have heard about the Hoxne Hoard, valued at over $3.8 million, found by metal detectorist Eric Lawes who got lucky while looking for a hammer in a field. You may have projected yourself into these scenarios, hoping that one day you would get lucky too. While that might be true, it is important that you do not cross any legal lines while doing so due to the wrong choice of metal detecting venue. 

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People have been sued for mishaps that occurred due to innocuous efforts at metal detecting. There have been reports of metal detectors disrupting pacemakers and people finding treasure on property that isn’t theirs. When you want to go metal detecting, it is up to you to be aware of places you can go and places you should avoid, etiquette to follow and habits to discard. In this article, we have compiled a list of places you can metal detect freely and enjoyably. Before we start, though, we want to give you a bit of advice; do not go on private property unless you are invited. And if you find anything of worth, inform the owner of your find. You would be respecting the owners of the property by doing so and opening the door for more opportunities. The owner is more likely to invite you back when you are honest about finds. Also, be enlightened about laws that prevent you from metal detecting in certain public places. You can’t expect to be allowed to search on government properties, for instance. 


Places you can go metal detecting

Places you can search in include;

Your own property

You would be surprised at the potential your property holds, especially when it’s over a hundred years old. It doesn’t exactly qualify as broadening your perspective, but it is a safe place where you can put your metal detector to use without worrying too much about encountering legal restrictions or unfamiliar territory. 


In fact, many metal detector owners explore every inch of their properties before deciding to explore other places. It is one way to get used to your device if you are new to the hobby, and it also gives you the opportunity to practise new tricks before you go out. Do not underestimate the potential your own land has. The best metal detectors would help you find stuff in your own home easily. 

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Sporting arenas and fields

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Your chances of finding something of value increase experientially when you go to places where people frequent in large numbers. Sporting fields for amateur events are just one of these places. Although the chances of you finding antiques of value here are quite low (considering the fact that the property must have been scoured and cleaned out before it was developed), you can still find things that were dropped by exuberant fans. You could even do this as an act of altruism – locating things of value that people have lost, then announcing these properties via the media to return them back to the owners. Metal detecting doesn’t have to be limited to treasure hunting only. You can show other people how valuable a hobby it can be!



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Following the same principle as sporting fields, you can find a lot of things in parks that a lot of people frequent. A lot of things happen in parks; children go to play, popular musicians hold concerts, and sporting events even occur. The beauty of all this is that as a metal detector, it would be easy for you to connect with nature while metal detecting this time. You may need permission before you are allowed in the park, though. When you get it, finding coins, lost jewellery, and antiques will be easy for you. Do not stick to one side only. Explore the length of the park, the pathways, the sidewalks, the tree shades and even the playground. Even if you find nothing of high value, you would definitely find enough to start a collection. 



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If you frequent the beach, chances are that you’ve seen hobbyists clad in their earphones and metal detecting devices, trying their luck and roaming around. You would not need a permit to try your hand at beaches, but you may have to ask for permission if you are hoping to find some stuff on a private beach. A little bit of advice; if you are at the beach trying to metal detect, your chances of finding something will increase at the towel line. 


Another thing to do is to look for depressions on the sand. This is because the waves sweep metallic objects into the lowest points, known to experienced metal detector hobbyists as “pockets”. If you’re feeling adventurous enough, you can choose to snorkel and try a bit of underwater metal hunting. Yes, it’s possible. With underwater metal detectors, this should not be a problem for you. 

You will find beaches to your taste if you hate the digging part of metal detecting. Digging the sand is usually very easy and not as energy-intensive as it should be. 



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We’ve been talking about antiques, haven’t we? The chances of you finding things on church grounds are usually high. And most churches are very liberal about allowing people to be on their premises; finding an invite or permission isn’t going to be as challenging as in other places. Most churches, too, would waive any claims they have to any materials you might find (ordinarily, the owner of the property owns anything that is found on it). If what you find is of religious value, though, you may have to leave it behind. 



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These are like parks; only they do not have as many people visiting. This could be an advantage, though. You do not have to contend with stares and mutters as you do your thing. Because there aren’t that many visitors, you may not find many things here. The terrain is also treacherous, so you may have to deal with a few bruises here and there. Nothing should deter you, though. Every new place is an experience, and as you continue to explore, you get better and better at the hobby.


Lucky Strike Gold is a metal detector hire company that has everything from metal detectors to gold detectors. We also have metal detectors for sale. Contact us today to make your purchase.