A 161.1g Nugget Discovered in the Golden Triangle!-Lucky Strike Gold

A 161.1g Nugget Discovered in the Golden Triangle!

A customer recently made an impressive discovery in the renowned Golden Triangle, unearthing a 161.1g nugget—just over 5 ounces—while searching for relics. This remarkable find underscores the unpredictable nature of prospecting in one of Australia's richest gold-bearing regions.

Equipped with his trusty CTX 3030, he was scanning an area near a well-travelled road when he received a promising signal that would forever change his day. Initially, he wasn't expecting to find anything of significant value, but the unmistakable tone of a large target piqued his curiosity. After some digging and careful examination, the shimmering gold nugget emerged from the earth, much to his astonishment.

The CTX 3030, while not specifically designed as a gold machine, is equipped with advanced discrimination and sensitivity features that make it effective for detecting gold in various environments. Its ability to pinpoint targets, even in challenging conditions, played a crucial role in locating this substantial nugget. This discovery serves as a reminder that using the right equipment can yield impressive results, regardless of whether it's a dedicated gold detector.

The Golden Triangle remains a renowned gold-bearing region, having produced significant finds over the years. With its rich history and varied geology, prospectors can still uncover valuable nuggets and flakes. Whether you're a seasoned prospector or just starting out, the area continues to offer opportunities for those willing to explore its vast landscape.




 Check out the video to see how this incredible find came to life!



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